The Best House in Last Day on Earth


  • 1 Information
  • 2 The Floors
  • iii The Walls
  • iv Save Ressources on the Walls
  • five The Doors
  • six The Chests
  • vii The Workbenches
  • viii The Spike Traps
  • 9 Workflow
  • ten Video
  • eleven All Costs...
  • 12 The Time you'll demand...


My Last Solar day on World Base Pattern for Beginners (Beta five.ane.xi.nine) past Ceberus 132

This is just an Base Design Idea, It is not Raid tested yet. The Dog Crate can't be rotated yet. All Spots for Workbenches, Turrets, etc. are just my suggestions, you can place your Stuff like you lot want. Take fun!

The Floors

Without Floors no Base

The Base of operations Blueprint has 194 Floors

The needed resources are:

For Level ane Floors 194 Pine Logs
For Level 2 Plank Floors

970 Limestones

970 Pino Planks

For Level 3 Stone Floors

ii.910 Rock Bricks

1.940 Atomic number 26 Bars

For Level 4 Metal Flooring

2.910 Steel Plates

iii.880 Iron Plates


The Walls

The Bones Defensive

The Base Design has 235 Walls

The needed resources are:

For Level ane Walls 235 Pino Logs
For Level two Plank Walls

ii.350 Limestones

four.700 Pine Planks

For Level three Stone Walls

4.700 Stone Bricks

three.525 Oak Planks

For Level four Metallic Walls

four.700 Steel Plates

3.525 Aluminium Plates


Save Ressources on the Walls

Well at first you don't need the Hallways / Walls inside the Base, and then all ruddy lines don't accept to be placed yet.

The Doors

You lot don't want to exist locked out, do y'all?

The Base of operations Design has 28 Doors

The needed resources are:

For Level 1 Doors 28 Pine Logs
For Level 2 Plank Doors

420 Limestones

700 Pine Planks

For Level 3 Stone Doors

700 Rock Bricks

280 Oak Planks

For Level 4 Metal Doors

700 Steel Plates

560 Aluminium Plates


The Chests

Your Base is Useless without whatsoever Chests

The Base Design has 28 Chests

The needed resources are:

For Level ane Pocket-sized Boxes

84 Pino Logs

140 Plant Cobweb

For Level 2 Chests

280 Pino Planks

140 Iron Bars

140 Bolts

For Level iii Trunks

620 Pine Logs

620 Ropes

124 Chip Metal

For Level 4 Racks

420 Steel Plates

560 Iron Plates

840 Oak Planks


The Workbenches

The Cores of your Base

The Base Design shows twenty Workbench Spots


The Spike Traps

The better Defense force confronting the Horde and Raiders

The Base Design has 62 Spike Traps

The needed resource are:

For all Spike Traps

620 Pine Logs

620 Ropes

124 Fleck Metal

Stage Six.png


My Base Blueprint is skilful for creating a Workflow, to get your stuff organized very fast.


Soon, I volition brand a Video near my Base of operations Design.

All Costs...

...just don't look at Level 3 and 4 ;)

Costs for Base of operations

Level 1 Business firm

457 Pino Logs

+ Small-scale Boxes

84 Pine Logs

140 Plant Fiber


541 Pine Logs

140 Plant Fiber

Level ii Plank Firm

6.370 Pine Planks

3.740 Limestones

+ Chests

280 Pine Planks

140 Fe Bars

140 Bolts

+ Spike Traps

620 Pine Logs

620 Ropes

124 Scrap Metal


6.650 Pino Planks

3.740 Limestones

140 Iron Bars

140 Bolts

620 Pine Logs

620 Ropes

124 Fleck Metal

Level three Stone House

viii.310 Stone Bricks

1.940 Iron Bars

iii.805 Oak Planks

+ Trunks

620 Pine Logs

620 Ropes

124 Scrap Metal


8.310 Stone Bricks

i.940 Iron Bars

3.805 Oak Planks

620 Pine Logs

620 Ropes

124 Scrap Metallic

Level 4 Metal House

eight.310 Steel Plates

3.880 Fe Plates

4.085 Aluminium Plates

+ Racks

420 Steel Plates

560 Iron Plates

840 Oak Planks


8.730 Steel Plates

4.440 Fe Plates

iv.085 Aluminium Plates

840 Oak Planks

The Time you lot'll need...

This Base needs a lot of let usa only don't Talk nigh it.


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